Individual PT
Personal Training, just for you.
The individual PT sessions are considered the standard personal training sessions where all of the training is specifically tailored to you. This type of personal training fits those who have specific personal goals. This can be for example that you are seriously looking to improve your health and quality of life, have a specific performance goal you want to achieve, or if you have a competition that you are training for.
Individual PT is the format most easily combined with nutritional advice and meal plans. Every person has different caloric needs and choosing this format will allow us to collaborate more closely to ensure you reach your goals.
One session = 1 hour
I believe that health and fitness should be accessible to all, so the more you demonstrate your commitment to make a real change, the cheaper I will provide my services. Individual PT is the most tailored experience, and this is reflected in the price. During our consultation we will discuss how we should divide the sessions and what they should contain. Each session will be designed in a pedagogical fashion to help you meet your goals.
If you are looking to get into training but find that you aren’t ready to commit at this rate, take a look at PT Friends, where you can share the costs with your buddies.
All sessions should be used within one month.
All sessions should be used within 3 months unless otherwise agreed.
10 sessions will give you 5 weeks of training if you are training twice a week.
If you are looking to increase your intensity and train 3+ times a week, this option will give you about 3 weeks of training.
A bit over 2 months of training
It can be hard to commit to a personal trainer without knowing what they are like. Hopefully you will get a good idea during the consultation, but if you are still unsure, let’s try out a session at a reduced cost and see our chemistry
This meal plan is for a one full week of eating, adjusted to your total daily energy expenditure and nutritional requirements.
Generally, I like to give nutritional knowledge that allows you to make informed choices for free. However a meal plan can be good for shorter periods of time if you have a very specific goal or need to get an idea of what healthy eating looks like.